Monday, May 18, 2009

Pedro's Term Presentation

Pedro's presentation consisted of P2P file sharing. What is p2p file sharing? P2P file sharing is the sharing of copyrighted and non-copyrighted material through personal computers which become servers. All users provide uploading files so there is no single file. As persons complete downloading these files they share these files with new users. As a result, p2p becomes a community based on information sharing. Moreover, Pedro addresses the issue of copyright infringement which is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material. In addition, he also presented the case of Pirate Bay which was charge for copyright infringement. As a result, the Pirate Bay website was shutdown and was sued.
I think Pedro's research project was really good. He explained the definition of P2P file sharing. He showed both views of the persons in favor and the persons against p2p file sharing. I liked the way that Pedro presented the information since it was unique. I really enjoyed the fact that Pedro included an interview of the founders of the Pirate Bay bittorrent site. Overall, the presentation was really good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Research Project

My research project talks about the social impact of E-commerce. E-commerce stands for electronic commerce which generally consist of buying and selling products over the Internet as well as other computer networks. Many people are unaware that credit cards, online banking, and ATM machines relate to e-commerce. E-commerce includes three business models which are B2B, B2C, and C2C. B2B (business-to-business) consist of businesses buying or selling goods and services to each other. In the B2C (business-to-consumer) model the businesses sell to all consumers. Thanks to e-commerce the C2C (consumer-to-consumer) model was introduced to the world. Consumers are now able to buy and sell products and services to one another. One website that concentrates on this business model is eBay. This website helps consumers sell their products to other consumers. Moreover, e-commerce has many effects on society. E-commerce has made it easier for people to shop. It is more convenient to shop at home at any time. In addition, it is much easier to find the precise product that you are looking for. One major concern about e-commerce is the issue of identity theft. People are afraid that their personal information might be use by hackers or credit card companies. E-commerce may continue to expand in the many years to come.